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Dubsta VIP BBQ Campout 2024

Dubsta BBQ


The inaugural Dubsta Show & Shine BBQ kicked off this past weekend, and it was an absolute hit! Set against the scenic backdrop of our usual spot, the event brought together VW enthusiasts, featuring a variety of impressive VW Transporters and more, all under the banner of community and good times.

Pre-Party Warm-Up:

Before the main event, some attendees took the opportunity to meet and mingle at a pre-party held at a local campsite. This casual gathering set the perfect tone, allowing everyone to get acquainted and share their excitement for the weekend ahead.

The Arrival:

As the day dawned, attendees rolled in with their meticulously maintained vehicles. The air was charged with anticipation as guests set up their spots with comfy chairs and cool boxes, ready for a day of activities and camaraderie.

BBQ and Food Delights:

Our local butcher supplied a feast that was both hearty and delicious. The butchers’ burgers were a hit from the get-go, with everyone relishing the juicy flavors. By evening, though we had planned for more, the crowd was pleasantly full, and unfortunately, the Dub Dough crew had to shoot off before serving up their pizzas.

Sauce Tasting Excitement:

A key highlight was the Dubsta Sauce Tasting. Instead of a tent, we opted for an open-air setup that really drew the crowd in. Attendees got to sample and voice their opinions on potential new additions to our sauce lineup, including the fiery Dubsta Ultra Hot and the rich, smoky Dubsta Smokin’ Hot BBQ Sauce. The session was interactive and gave everyone a chance to influence the future flavors of our brand.

Chilling and Grilling:

Throughout the day, our crew’s DJs laid down the perfect soundtrack, enhancing the relaxed vibe. Friends, both old and new, gathered around grills, sharing stories and tips on their van modifications. The variety of VW models added a great dimension to the event, showcasing the diversity within our community.

Reflections and Looking Ahead:

As the organizer, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the enthusiasm and participation that made this inaugural event so memorable. Your dedication to the Dubsta lifestyle and your passion for all things VW helped make this day a standout.


With this successful event now part of our history, we’re already buzzing with ideas for the future. While next year’s format might evolve, one thing will remain the same—the spirit of our community. Stay updated with all things Dubsta by subscribing to our website and following us on social media. Here’s to more gatherings where great food, great company, and great VWs are always in the spotlight!