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Update October 2020

Well… WTF happened there then?

Last time I wrote a post I was over the moon about getting a fresh lease on new premises. That was January.

Two weeks before the big lockdown, my wife returned from a mini break in Southern Italy. Imagine the joy… Whilst waiting to collect her at the airport, the government changed its advice on returning from this area. The advice was isolate for 14 days. As I was collecting my wife and her friend from the airport, the sensible choice was to isolate with them.

Meanwhile our 16 year old son was advised by his school that if he saw his mum then he would not be allowed into school for 2 weeks. GCSEs looming he knew that taking 2 weeks out just wasn’t good for him. Sensible young man. Little did he know they’d be cancelled subsequently.

We were in a very fortunate situation where I was running my business from our old home. It meant there was still bedrooms set up. This coincided with the imminent move in date at the new premises. We spent the time packing up a house full of stock and office equipment ready for the new unit. Ok we did a lot of it quite drunk….

Basically, April fool’s day I got the keys and the country went into lockdown… What do you do? I started loading up my van and moving in. I wasn’t seeing anyone and the world was a quiet, serene place. It was somewhere around 16 van loads I shifted mostly on my own. I lost a bit of weight and gained some strength! Marvellous.

Sat down at my new set up, looking at the view over the fields out the front window. Van parked up in the back, YES! I’ve got a kick ass man cave. Bloody quiet though…

Hmm what to do?

Project Grubsta happened.