About Dubsta


Dubsta®: Driving Originality in Every Journey.

At Dubsta®, we are more than just a brand; we are a celebration of the iconic VW culture. Born from a passion for VW vehicles and a quest for the perfect travel companion, we’ve become a beacon for enthusiasts and owners alike. Our journey began with a simple yet profound need: to transform a VW van into not just a vehicle, but a partner for adventure and exploration.

Our ethos is built around the unique spirit of the VW community – a community that values heritage, individuality, and the open road. Dubsta® embraces this spirit, offering creative and bespoke solutions that resonate with the heart of every VW aficionado. Our products aren’t just items; they’re extensions of your personality, tools to enhance your travels, and symbols of a lifestyle that cherishes freedom and originality.

Express your identity


With our hashtag #drivingoriginality, we invite you to join a movement that’s about more than just vehicles. It’s about driving with purpose, with a style that’s uniquely yours. It’s about celebrating the dual meaning of originality – both as being true to the original VW ethos and as an expression of your unique journey.

At Dubsta®, we’re not just about vehicles; we’re about the stories, adventures, and dreams that drive every VW owner. Join us, and let’s keep the legacy of VW culture thriving, one journey at a time.”

Dubsta’s Origin Story: A Journey of Passion and Innovation

The inception of Dubsta traces back to a lifelong passion for motors, embodied by Ryan, the founder and heart of Dubsta. Growing up, his walls were adorned not just with the iconic F40 and 959 posters, but also with images of hotrods and, notably, modified beetles. The Cal look, with its distinctive style of decked beetles on empis, always held a special place in his heart – an enduring icon in the automotive world.

Ryan’s aspiration to own a VW camper inched closer to reality with the acquisition of his first VW Transporter in 2019. More than just a former electrician’s van, it represented a canvas for big dreams, and thus, Dubsta 001 was conceived.

However, it soon became apparent to Ryan that the existing VW scene lacked a brand that truly captured the essence of what makes Volkswagen a cultural icon. To him, the VW ethos was about individuality, creativity, and self-expression. Yet, he observed a gap in the market – many existing brands in the scene offered similar products, lacking in imagination and flair.

Recognizing the need for innovation and a fresh perspective, Ryan was inspired to create something different. Dubsta was envisioned as a brand that would not only embrace the unique spirit of the VW culture but also shake up the scene with its own unique blend of creativity and individual expression.

Thus, Dubsta was born – not just as a brand, but as a symbol of transformation and a tribute to the individuality inherent in the VW community. It’s a brand that stands for creativity, self-expression, and the joy of working with what you’ve got to make something truly your own.

Dubsta’s Ethos: Embracing Your Passion for the Road

State Your Identity Dubsta is where your passion for VW vehicles becomes a statement of who you are. Here, it’s all about expressing your individuality. Let your VW journey be a bold declaration of your unique identity.

Be Bold in Your Expression At Dubsta, boldness is key. We celebrate the courage to stand out, to embrace what you love with confidence. Each product, each design is a tribute to those who dare to express themselves without limits.

Do It with Style Style at Dubsta is personal and unrestricted. It’s about letting your preferences shine, breaking free from the norm. Our ethos? There are no rules to style – if it feels right to you, it’s perfect. Your vehicle, your style statement.

In essence, Dubsta’s ethos is about inspiring you to follow your passions, to express your individuality through your love for VW vehicles, and to do it all with unmistakable style.