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The Launch

While the world came to a standstill during 2020, at Dubsta we’ve been busy getting our ducks in line ready to roll out our offerings to you lovely people.

Dubsta is a fairly new brand in the market. The concept itself was only created in July 2019. The following is steadily growing and it’s been great getting to know you guys. The words of encouragement you give and the simple things like liking our posts is really encouraging and very much appreciated. Thank you!

When Dubsta was first created it was said from the off that the brand had to be different, had to stand out, had to remain cool. So far that’s been successful and the aim is to continue on that basis.

As a brand, Dubsta hasn’t made any money so far. There’s been a load of stickers dished out and some of you good people have bought some merchandise for which I’m very grateful. It’s been more important to build up awareness of the brand than financial gain. The next step is Dubsta TV!

Dubsta TV

Earlier than originally planned, the Dubsta Youtube Channel is about to get busy.