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Installing a Self-Adhesive Sun Strip on a Vehicle Windscreen


  • Self-adhesive sun strip
  • Clean cloth or rag
  • Mild soapy water in a spray bottle
  • Squeegee or credit card
  • Sharp utility knife or razor blade
  • Tape measure or ruler
  • Isopropyl alcohol or window cleaner
  • Masking tape (optional)


  1. Preparation:
    • Park your vehicle in a shaded area or indoors to prevent the sun from drying the soapy water too quickly.
    • Ensure the windscreen is clean from any debris or dirt. Clean it thoroughly using window cleaner or isopropyl alcohol and a clean cloth.
  2. Positioning:
    • Before removing any backing, position the sun strip on the outside of the windscreen to determine where you’d like it to sit.
    • Ensure it doesn’t obstruct the driver’s view. In the UK, this will be on the right side. The sun strip should be above the driver’s line of sight and should not interfere with any camera or sensors that are located near the top of the windscreen.
  3. Marking:
    • Once you’ve positioned the sun strip, use masking tape to mark the corners. This will serve as a guideline when you’re applying the strip.
  4. Application:
    • Mist the area of the windscreen where the sun strip will be applied with the soapy water. This allows you to move and position the sun strip more easily once it’s on the windscreen.
    • Peel the backing off the sun strip, revealing the adhesive side.
    • Carefully align the sun strip with your masking tape markers and apply it to the wet windscreen. The soapy water will allow you to slide and adjust the strip to the desired position.
  5. Smoothing Out:
    • Once the sun strip is in the desired position, use a squeegee or the edge of a credit card to press out any bubbles or wrinkles, working from the center outward.
    • The soapy water solution will help the squeegee glide smoothly across the sun strip. Ensure all edges are firmly stuck down.
  6. Trimming Excess:
    • Using a sharp utility knife or razor blade, carefully trim any excess sun strip material that extends beyond the edge of the windscreen. Ensure you cut in a smooth motion to prevent tearing.
    • When trimming near the pillars or edges of the windscreen, take extra care to not damage the rubber seals or the vehicle’s paint.
  7. Final Steps:
    • Once the sun strip is firmly in place and all excess material has been removed, go over the entire strip with the squeegee again to ensure a firm bond.
    • Let the sun strip dry according to the manufacturer’s instructions before driving or exposing the vehicle to extreme conditions.

Note: It’s essential to review any local regulations or laws related to window tinting or modifications in your area to ensure the sun strip is legally positioned and does not obstruct vision or safety features.

That’s it! Enjoy your newly installed sun strip and the shade it provides.