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Protect Your Tools: Tackling Tool Theft in the UK’s Van Industry


Despite advancements in vehicle security, tool theft remains a significant concern for van drivers across the UK. Recent research from Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles highlights a troubling statistic: nearly half of all van drivers (41%) still leave tools in their vehicles overnight, risking substantial financial loss and business disruption.

The Cost of Complacency:

In the last year alone, one in five UK van drivers experienced tool theft, with the stolen equipment averaging a value of more than £1,700 per incident. This alarming trend has resulted in a staggering £1.64 billion loss in equipment for UK tradespeople.

Ongoing Risks and Business Impact:

Tool theft not only leads to immediate financial strain but also forces businesses into unplanned downtime. With 57% of affected van drivers unable to operate while replenishing supplies and repairing locks, the ripple effects extend to increased insurance premiums and lost revenue. Daily downtime costs are estimated at £550 per van, further emphasizing the severity of these thefts.

Volkswagen’s Commitment to Security:

To combat this issue, Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles is stepping up by equipping its fleet, including the all-electric ID. Buzz Cargo, with advanced anti-theft systems. These systems include interior monitoring, a backup horn, and towing protection, designed to deter thieves and minimize potential losses.

Words from the Expert:

John Ricardo-Neto, Head of Product Planning, stresses the importance of vigilance and proactive security measures. “The true cost of tool theft encompasses more than the immediate loss of tools; it includes the subsequent downtime, increased insurance, and revenue loss,” he explains. Volkswagen encourages van owners to secure or remove tools overnight and park in secure, well-lit areas.


As the industry continues to battle against tool theft, adopting stringent security measures and leveraging modern technology can significantly mitigate risks. For more insights on protecting your assets and to explore Volkswagen’s secure vehicle options, visit Volkswagen Van Centres.